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Turnips trashed


New Member
Deer have been busy- this is what is left of my turnips.
I have two small plots planted with turnips and as of last week the deer haven't touched them yet. Do they usually wait for them to freeze?
This plot has been browsed lightly for the past month or so. They had pawed a few out of the ground before but are going at it really hard right now. Suppose to increase once hit by frost or freeze. It just started to get that way here. I also had lots of oats & rye out this fall and the acorn crop was average.
Mine are relativly untouched but I have corn 1/2 mile to the east, acorns all over the place still, and Oats all around/in my plot...we will see how it all goes late. I have found that regular oats are far superior to the high priced buck forage oats in preference and in amount of green present in the leaves/stalks still
I didn't think to take a picture of my two turnip plots, but if I did it would look like bare dirt with a little brome growing back. There are still a few turnips underground that they haven't dug up yet, but the tops have been picked clean. This is my first year putting in food plots and let's just say I have room to improve next year.

I put my brassicas in on 9/19, which I knew was pushing it, and then got very little rain afterwards. They grew alright, but only in miniature! The plants are only about 1/2" tall. My turnips have been mowed down but I still have some winter wheat showing.

Oh well, next year they will be:
1. Bigger in size, this year was about 3-4 total acres, next year we're looking at 9-10 acres.
2. Fertilized.
3. Planted earlier and hopefully they get some rain, it was dry this year.
4. The deer are still using the alfalfa fields across the road from my property so next year we'll give them some alfalfa too.
5. I need to lime the soil too.
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