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Twenty years at turkey huntin


I hunt days ending in Y
Celebrated twenty years of turkey huntin by taking my biggest turkey to date. Alot of luck on opening morning. 26 lbs. and 1.5" spurs. Beard was alittle short at 9.5". It was raining in IL on Mon. morning and probably wouldn't have went but it was opening morning. I was almost to my tree when it cut loose again and I stood there thinking about going back. It was light and I hadn't heard a peep. I looked to my left and spotted a tom aready at the edge of the field. He wasn't doing anything but pecking around. Even had a red head. He started across the field and I thought when he goes out of site I'll call him back. He went out part way then came back to my side of the field. I stood still with no facemask on. He was still feeding when I yelped to him with my mouth. His head turned white and blue right away. He then started to my right and struted. I waited till he went behind a cedar tree and got my gun up. The rest is history and I would rather be lucky anyday. Don't know where his girls were. Maybe still in a tree somewhere. Somedays are like that. Sorry but the tom was very wet for any good pics.
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