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Two dandy bucks....and a decent one

Bow Ben

I think the non-typical is only a 3.5 year old. Would you guys dump him or let him walk?? He could be a mega stud next year!





I would shoot him for sure. Thats one of those deer you dont want to see during the season. Just find his sheds and smoke him next year. But once again if he walked by I would kill him.
The top two would be getting an arrow from me and the third a serious consideration after seeing him without velvet...

Don't want to see during the season???? Man, I'd be praying tonight to see that thing walk by my stand!! ;)
why would you not want to see this buck walk by your stand? u kiddin me thats a once in a lifetime buck right there. bowben smack that baby for us i want to see some serious picture of that hog!!!!!!
I think what Jesse was saying that if he walks by your GUNNA smack him without a doubt, like you guys said that's a once in a lifetime deer as he stands right now. But if he doesn't show up all season you have no chance to shoot him which means the next year he goes from a stund deer to a GIANT NON TYPICAL. I'd have to agree with ya Jesse, finding them sheds would be sick, but I guess we have a bone problem ha ha. If he walks by me, he's without a doubt gettin center punched. Good luck with them hogs, hope you arrow one this fall.
i guess it depends, do you want to shoot nice bucks or big bucks. if the non typ is only 3.5 it would be a cryin shame to kill him, think of how much bone he will put on when he blows into maturity.
If it is your land and think he won't get killed by anybody else then "maybe" let him walk. Where most of us hunt-----there would be no thought of passing him. Public ground can be a challenge to let 3.5 walk.
Gotta agree. That nontyp would be a stud in another year. If I believed him to be only 3.5 I would try very hard to give him a pass this year. But man it would be tough! The first buck, however, would have an arrow flying his direction for sure! Nice Deer!:way:
I agree with Jesse and bigbukfevr. Hope he stays low key all fall and no one gets a shot at him. In spring pick up his sheds and come next fall you'll be lookin at a PIG. Id set my sights on that 9pt in your first 2 pics.
One thing is for sure, if you kill him, he won't be bigger next year. If you've killed several big deer, he's probably easy to pass. If he'd be one of your biggest kills, he's probably hard to pass.
If I had all those to worry about buck #1 would be the target.The non-typical will be a stud. You will know what to do when it happens. Have fun first and most.
If I had all those to worry about buck #1 would be the target.The non-typical will be a stud. You will know what to do when it happens. Have fun first and most.

I agree. That deer will blow up. I passed a deer two yrs ago that had 17pts but I knew he was young. My buddy was in the tree with me that day and said I was nuts. The neighbor found one of his sheds the next year and boy am I glad I passed him. He gave me all kinds of looks that night and looked real nice. But that shed was puny no mass at all. I think if you see this deer in hardhorn he's not gonna have much mass at all. Make the decision from the stand he's definitely unique...
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if he came pass me and gave me a shoot....i would tighten the string. but I live in wi and only hunt iowa when I get a tag. In wi, people would put that buck in the paper and you would be a local hero!!!
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