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Ugly Coyote


Active Member
This has got to be the winner of the ugly coyote contest. Check out the "no hair" tail.
I do like my new Moultrie I-40, so far I'll really impressed with the quality of photo's and the trigger speed. This camera has taken over 500 photo's and I'm still at 97% battery on the first set.

That yote looks to me like it has a nasty case of mange going on. It appears to be missing a lot of underbelly fur. Most of its fur is around the shoulder area.

Call that one in and put it out of its misery.
my buddy had one hanging around his house last winter at 30 below with no hair . didnt have a gun in his truck so he called dnr they came out shot him, then put him in a bag to be tested . the thing had mange
had one yote behind my hay rake part of the sumer with no hair from half way back. Looked like a bad shave job !
Thanks....I used Whitetail Institutes, PURE ATTRACTION. With the rains we have had it's done better than usual....come on October!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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