Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

UNFREAKIN believable (sorry kinda long)


New Member
Season was going so good. Opening morning arrow a doe, she goes 60yds. Thursday of opening week, arrow another doe, she goes 30yds. Early ML scope breaks(minor glitch) opening day, that evening drop a button buck(arghh) in his tracks. Miss a nice character buck, then next day shot a roman nose doe, she goes 40yds. Had good activity during the rut, called in some real nice deer, couldn't close the deal on any of them, oh but what fun.

Now the meat and otatoes of the subject, Saturday, Nov 18th. Had to go help with a hunters ed class, no morning hunt, headed out around 2ish. Buddy and his son was on same property, I could see my buddy in his stand. I had decided I was tired of trying to juggle around wifes work schedule and mine, so I was going to fill my tag. Two does come in, mill around at 20yds, no opening. Hear my bud grunt, look around another doe coming in, stops behind a multifloral rose at 10yds. Two steps and she's mine, nope even though she was upwind, she just all of a sudden bolts off the direction she came. Buddy starts a rattle sequence, decent little basket rack charges into the field. He doesn't see any bucks in that corner, turns back the way he came(closer to me than my bud. I give it 15 minutes, do a rattle of my own, brought him in on a string. Stop him at 15yds, whack a grapevine. Okay I see my fletching atleast I didn't loose an arrow, I thought!!! Alot more deer activity, then two does come from yet another direction. Walk under me, I let the first one get 10yds from the base of my tree 1/4 away, let it fly, sweet. She bolts out and just as she slows down and I think she is going to drop she starts walking with leg up in the air, WHAT. I can see my arrow sticking out at a slight angle behind her shoulder, should be boiler room, why is she limping. Another hr, it's getting abit dark to see pins I climb down. Go to my first arrow and fletching and 6" of arrow no nock even, okay down an arrow and a broadhead. Head the direction I see her go into the timber, 10" pool of blood, nice and bright, but no bubbles, hmmmmm. Track 100yds, great blood, keep expecting to walk up on a downed deer. Well, start scratching my head and decide to give her more time. Head to the homestead, get the lanterns back out 2hrs later. Easy tracking, no bedded down spots, man this young gal is travelin far. Track her forever, still no beds, but the blood is starting to clot on the ground so she probably is also. She headed through some thick cover, and within 50yds of water, but not towards it. Lost blood in a tall grassy field near an unharvested corn plot. 100yds from water. At one point I pull out my headlamp and hang it on last blood. Decide to call it a night. Try to call my wife to let her know I'm on my way home. Hmmmphhh cell phone isn't in my pocket. So Saturday evenings hunt cost my two arrows with montec G5's, a deer, and a cell phone. I'm headed back out now to look for deer and cell phone. I suppose that just means, I need to cram in another hunt or two. Maybe, just maybe mother nature has something BIG in store for me and wanted me to keep my tag, unfilled just yet.

Oh my conclusion with the hit. Even though the angle wasn't that great, I believe my arrow glanced off the ribs and slid right in between the ribs and front shoulder. Most of the blood appeared bright red, but no bubbles, so I think my conclusion is fairly accurate.
Man sounds like if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have had any luck at all. Better luck in the fucture.
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