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Unicorns Do Exist?


I checked cams again. I am doing good staying away for about a month. I thought this guys was worth sharing.

Here is a different view where he almost looks normal untill you look really close.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nannyslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Great looking deer. Is it a different pedical or is it a split off the base of the left antler? </div></div>
I cant tell exactly for sure but it looks like it has like 3/4 of its own base and barely connects to the left pedical.

Unique brow on a Dandy buck, I like racks that are different. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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Iowa's number one resource for the whitetail deer.
that's pretty sweet.. did u see the unicorn buck shot on the new Whitetail Freaks video? that thing was awesome!

Yeah I have seen pics of it but not the hunt. If I am thinking right it was shot within a few miles of where this pic was taken.

I'd whack him for the unique factor alone but he's a nice buck irregardless of the extra...whatevertheheckyoucallit.
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