This is a spreadsheet I put together from the Iowa City Annual Deer Report from 2007-2007. Killed is number deer killed in that season. Total Cost is what Iowa City published as their total costs for the season. W. Buff is what they paid to White Buffalo and WB Exp Is another expense item they listed from 99-02 so I added that and is represented in Tot WB. Proc/deer is what they paid Ruzikas to process each deer, including gutting so T proc is the cost of processing all the deer for that year. F+H is the Tot WB+ T Proc which should be equal to Total Cost, but it is off by some. Don’t know where the discrepencies are, but it doesn’t add up. I’d think F+H should be the same as Total Cost. So Cost/deer is the number of deer killed times the cost/deer. Then the bottom row is totals for the columns. So Cost/deer has averaged $355.62 over the 7 years they have been shooting deer in Iowa City. It should also be noted that there aren’t any entries in 02-03 as Iowa City didn’t kill any deer that year.
Year Killed Total cost W. Buff WB Exp. Tot WB Proc/deer T Proc. F+H Cost/deer
99-00 360 72,000 69,300 2,500 71800 45 16200 88000 244.44
00-01 340 109,400 95,400 13,000 108400 50 17000 125400 368.82
01-02 250 100,000 75,000 10,000 85000 55 13750 98750 395.00
02-03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
03-04 200 94,000 75,000 75000 65 13000 88000 440.00
04-05 154 60,000 45,400 45400 65 10010 55,410 359.81
05-06 150 61,300 48,700 48700 75 11250 59950 399.67
06-07 199 72,000 57,400 57400 75 14925 72325 363.44
Sum/Totals 1653 568700 466200 25500 491700 53.75 96135 587835 355.62
OK, so the copy and paste of the spreadsheet didn't work so well. Suffice it to say Iowa City spends a lot of money to kill deer. If any body is interested PM me and I'mm email you the spreadsheet.
The 'Bonker