Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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I was talking with Bowman today and the question was brought up about scents. Weve all heard the reports of several members who freshen the scrapes in their hunting grounds with their own special blend. It seems to be a consensus that urine is urine.

My question is, then what makes coon, fox, skunk, urine different. Am I just wasting my money buying the cover scents? And what about doe in heat or dominant buck urine? Are all of these just money makers for the company or do they really work?

Ive never had much success with attractant scents. Ive always used coon pee as a cover though. Are they just a waste of time and money, if pee is pee no matter what animal or person it comes from?

I hear ya mole!!!! Maybe we should pee in a bottle and then spray ourselves down before we go out!!!!! YUCK!!!!

Seriously, I have a camera over a huge scrape that is very active (See pictures in trail camera section). I am in the process of performing a scientific (sort of) test, I releived myself in it last night and will see if it has any effect.... This area is torn up with rubs and scrapes and this scrape is the main scrape....

I will keep you posted on the results!!!
Mole I would not doubt that human urine over time bottled up would stink like you know what but for the most part the only differnce that I can tell is the odor! Fox and coon urine are some potent smelling pee!
I'm not sure about urine, but I have experimented with cattle manure and know that cattle eating different feed, smell different. Before you laugh and imagine me smelling fresh cow pies, let me explain.

When I was in WI, I hunted woods bordered by cow pastures on a couple of different pastures. I hung my clothes in the milk barn and walked through fresh manure as a "natural" cover scent. It worked great and even without my carbon and scent sprays, I experienced some deer who really should have smelled me but didn't.

The twist came when I hunted a different property in the same boots and clothes. Again there were cattle nearby, but I still had the scent of the other cattle herd on my stuff and the deer busted me something terrible. I repeated the situation and reversed it with scent from the second and hunting the first place and still had similar results.

The farmers told me they weren't suprised as cows eating different feed have different smells.

I know this is not "scientific" but it convinced me. I can't help but think that if this is the case for Manure, it should be similar with urine too. Just my .02 though. Like I said, it wasn't scientific.

I'll be interested to hear shat you find with your "experiment" with the scrape though.

Urine would not smell that different like manure does. Urine is water waste that circulates through the body. Manure is the breakdown of the actual foods, grasses, grains that are eaten in that area. So I do think that manures will smell different but the urine will not unless the farmer is feeding lots of minerals.
urine will smell different. drink a lot of coffee and see what your pee smells like.
i think that most of the scents you buy in a bottle are that of a mixture of animals caged up in one area. also think that some feces may get mixed in with it as well. the manufacturers may also use some sort of preservative that causes the smell to get stronger.

i'm not a pee expert, i just know what works in my neck of the woods!! pee is sterile, so there is no human scent associated with it as well.

who knows, i may just be talking out of my
I'm very interested in hearing the results of some of the members experiments.

I've read lots of articles on this (as I'm sure many of you have), one author actually did experiments with car freshener scents vs. attractants - result was no real difference.
The results of my pseudo scientific test are pretty poor!!! 4 days ago I pee'd in that very active scrape and my camera has only taken 1 picture since!!! I had 2 rolls of film taken in the week prior. This tree also has 3 other scrapes each on different sides of the tree and it appears that the deer are using the other scrapes.

I moved my camera around the tree to a different scrape and will see how many pictures I get there....

So, the results appear that peeing in a scrape may not be the best tactic....

I peed in a scrape about a week ago and now it is bigger than ever so i set up my camera by it and will see what happens. I also set my camera up on a average trail and made a fake scrape and peed in it. the scrape is now twice the size and i have 16 pictures on my trail cam. well see what happens when they are developed.
So, it sounds like Kansas/Missouri deer don't like human pee but the deer in NE Iowa seem to.
Or maybe we should compare gundog's diet with kansasbowhunter's
This thread is great. I truely find this stuff interesting. I don't know what that says about me though.

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