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Using a Decoy Late Season

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Just curious how many have used a decoy late season?
Like late muzzeloader and bowhunting Dec.-Jan. or to the end of the deer seasons?
I talked to my area DNR officer and he said it was no problem even during the firearms seasons. Our farm is good size and far from roads so away from any unwanted blasting.
I used a doe decoy a couple of years ago doe hunting with the bow. It was in Jan. very cold up in a treestand. I had no does come near but two bucks come right up to the doe decoy, one was a 150 in. 8pt. awesome deer but no buck tag just a doe tag.:(
Just curious if any tried it and there experience with the decoy late in the season?
I will be 100% honest and say I have never tried it but in the places I hunt typically a half dozen does always come out in the fields before the bucks. From what I have seen when bowhunting with a decoy is the does typically do not like them and raise all sorts of cane. I would think it would be a bust. Maybe if you only had bucks come out it would be a different story?

I do think it would be beneficial in the mornings though. I don't know how many times I have a few lone bucks come walking through the woods and head straight to small doe groups in the timber. They are always looking thats for sure. I do think the evening hunts would be tough with a decoy though where I hunt anyways.

Worth a shot though!!
I agree. I use the decoy as a buck in Nov. a lot. I have killed two bucks over one but, the does always seem very edgy around one or they won't leave it alone licking it and messing around with it.
I sat in a brush pile one night about 5 years ago I had the decoy as a doe out in the hayfield about 25 yds. Here a cat was getting near the decoy looking for mice. The next thing I know about a 100 yds away a mature doe comes barreling down across the hayfield and goes after the cat. The only tree around was the tree i was leaning up against. When it was all said and done the cat was up the tree and the doe was with her fawns stomping and blowing. I was shocked and laughing at the same time. That was one experience.
I'm not sure I'll use it though I hunt over corn and there drawn there no matter what. I don't want to mess anything up on a giant.
Thanks for your input Liv4rut
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