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Velvet shedding in progress!


Staff member
A lot are shedding now. Saw scrapes. I watch them & see their aggression change like a light switch. Bet some “good buddies” are breaking their bachelor groups up soon here. This is also a time that makes me nervous with midges & ehd with all the blood from shedding velvet. But…. Healthy deer, acorns starting to drop & just the fun stuff right happens like clockwork…. Be here in blink of an eye.

Heres funny part about this deer…. He’s old…. He’s in same spot every summer. In about 1 week (guessing) he’s gonna relocate about 1/2 mile away into an obscure draw - he’s done this 4 years in a row…. This year he’s on the list for someone & im certain the exact spot we connect if get lucky.
Yup, the testosterone valves are open!

This is the poor little hibiscus tree I got the Mrs. for mother's day. Something ate the leaves off of it Wed night and before I could fence it, something thrashed it good during the night on Thursday...right in the front yard.

Sad it got destroyed but these little things work in my favor. This year I can rest assured I will be catching no hell for spending too much time in the tree stand. ;)

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