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Very Serious


Premium Platinum Member
Im obsessed wiht my bow and turkeys but im sixteen and have limited cash. Can i hunt the turks without a blind and be successfull (cuz i know id have fun) and if ud have any tips without a blind
Thanks for the help.

p.s. i have blinds that u stick in the ground in front of you.
if i were you, and knew where the turkeys are, or where they will be, i would just make some ground blinds the old fashioned way, with brush, and some good pine cover, i dont see why that wouldnt work
turkeys without a blind can be a big challenge, but also possible. would recommend using the terrain to your advantage. down logs, rosebush, big tree - anything that you can use to hide your movement when you draw will help. that or pic up some camo material at WalMart or someplace and drape it over some sticks or something to give you a little cover. good luck
Long before the commercially available blinds were available I pursued turkeys via bow with success. Go out now and set your blinds though. Use natural cover and terrain wherever possible.

Set them so they are about 3/4 covered up and then use some material to finish the deal once you are inside ready to hunt. Use cedars and grass and make them as thick as you can.

I had an awesome blind once that was a downed oak that still held it's leaves that spring. I nestled in against the partially standing trunk and no joke, I once had 7 mature toms and a bearded hen, not to mention a bunch of jakes and assorted hens within 5 to 30 yards of me. I emptied my quiver that morning and never touched a feather. ( I later gathered up my arrows and moved to a different blind and connected though!!

I also used to pile logs and stumps, whatever I could find, to make spots that when turkeys went behind them I could draw on them too. I used some chicken wire too to weave grass into and make a fairly dense hide.

Be creative and have fun.
I use to take cheap blind material and thumb tacks. Find the right place and use the thumb tacks to fasten the blind material to the tree/trees and sit behind.
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