Wednesday evening we got some awesome footage of a really nice 8-pointer. He was about 200 yards out and I let loose with a couple rattling sequences. With the camera rolling, he came running in on a string, and passed within 18 yards....grunting and nearly hyperventilating. Slightly quartering away, I let the arrow fly. Unfortunately, the arrow struck a limb on it's way to the deer. Reviewing the footage, the limb was about an inch thick, and the arrow broke the limb in half and deflected right in front of the buck. Lucky for him, because it would have been a double-lung hit for sure. I wish this story had a different ending, but there will be other days!! My wife & I have a history with this deer, as she found his sheds last spring ... her first two sheds ever!! The footage is awesome; I thought about the nickname, "Lucky" but I think that's too overused as a nickname. Any ideas?