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Guys I've been getting a ton of different messages from Iowawhitetails that has a virus within it. Our software catches it but just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of it.
Old Buck and others,
Those are from iowadeer.com not iowawhitetail.com. Delete them they contain a new worm virus (similar to My Doom) that is clogging emails everywhere. Once it gets in your system it replicates itself and boggs down the server. It is not specific to iowadeer it will attach itself to any and all addresses it can. Do not open them... delete them.
Beat me to it Limb. They are from Iowadeer. Dont open anything your are not sure of!! Delete it! I got about 6 of those e-mails. Most said something about a photo album.
and what happens if you opened them?? my junk mail caught it but am not sure what happened.

if anyone that emails with me gets an email from me today delete it just to be safe.
The e-mail that you sent me today was that part of this virus thing? It said something about a person with Username Nonres asking for a password. Seemed wierd to me so I deleted it about half way thru.
If you open the email it launches the worm virus on your computer which roots out all of the email address's it can find and send's itself to them compliments of you!

Have you ever received an email that is several pages long because everyone simply clicks the forward button? The virus will attach itself to everyone of those email address's in the string. Next thing you know you have a bunch of people you don't even know sending you hate emails!

BTW: I've been receiving these emails as well but they are from iowadeer.com not iowawhitetail.com.

The real kicker with this virus is the erratic behavior it shows in spreading. Once it sets itself up on your PC it installs its own SMTP engine and mails itself out anytime you are connected to the internet.
There is a strong possibility that if you get the virus, the actual person listed as the sender isn't the one that is infected. I have seen many cases where it is spoofing that address in the message header (I take care of several domains as part of my job and this virus and its variations has been trying like heck to infiltrate my networks for over a week).
For those interested you can find out more about it at http://www.sarc.com
The virus responsible for most of this is Netsky and its variants.
these aren't coming FROM iowadeer. if you look closely, the infected addy's are spoofed. like "deeriowadeer@iowadeer.comdeer"
i recieved one email from iowadeer toady, that was totally clean, and the hotmail filter stopped 7 others in the junk mail, because of odd addresses. 3 were some retarded spoof of the iowadeer name (and the other 4 were most likely infected too). probably the 3rd time this week there was some odd email caught in the junk filter. the legit email from iowadeer, has nothing to open, its just a letter to members, and is harmless.
there is a new bug in town, so update your virus software
rack, i sent that one on purpose, if that's all that came out i think my computer is clean, don't worry about it
I got 6 of them from iowadeer.com, I knew there was a reason that I rarely went into that site....
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