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wal-mart treestands

freakin idoit

New Member
Do any of you guys use the wal-mart climbers because i got one for christmas and never got a chance to use it i was wondering if any of you guys have one or have heard what people say about them and could let me know thank you bye.
I bought a stand from walmart.. but the brand is hunter's view.. or something like that.. i like it, it is very easy to put in the tree since it is light weight and came with a safety vest.
I'm leary of the Wal-Mart Hunter's View stands. I posted something last year after buying one where they had included the TMA logo on the packaging and claimed that their stands were TMA certified on the signwork but the TMA website showed them as failing their tests and a follow-up e-mail to the TMA conformed that they had failed in testing and were not certified but they refused to tell me exactly how they failed. Ticked me off that they wouldn't tell me what was wrong with them especially when I told them I was concerned about safety and had purchased a stand because it had their logo on it. I ended up returning it to Wal-Mart along with a copy of the TMA website listings showing that their advertising was dishonest. Of course they did absolutely nothing to change it.
i have heard of issues with weak welds. if you question your stand, take it to a welder, and have the welds beefed up
i know they had some recalls on the hunters view stands but i do not no which ones . but ido have some of their ladder stands and they seem to work fine
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