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wanted- hen turkey wings


Life Member
If anyone is hunting the Fall turkey season, I would appreciate it greatly if you would save your legally harvested hen turkey wings for me. I personally don't hunt the fall season but I am sure there are many on the site that do. Please contact me on here or through a p.m. if you could give me a hand or need details on how to remove them. I will pay for the shipping. Thanks ahead of time!

If anyone is hunting the Fall turkey season, I would appreciate it greatly if you would save your legally harvested hen turkey wings for me. I personally don't hunt the fall season but I am sure there are many on the site that do. Please contact me on here or through a p.m. if you could give me a hand or need details on how to remove them. I will pay for the shipping. Thanks ahead of time!

What about fall tom harvests?
For right now, I have a few gobbler bones. Plus the guy that I end up trading the feathers to will only trade for spring feathers. JNRBRONC, if you nail one in the spring I would be interested. I have only made one call out of hen bones and would like to try a few more.
Finbonz you ever make calls out of goose wings? I've heard that they sound better than even hen turkey wings. Just curious.
Finbonz, where exactly are you located? Goin to help an old farmer friend of mine dress a bunch of domestic turkeys around november 1st, if you would be interested im sure he doesnt want the wings haha.
Yes I do make them out of both canada and snow goose wings. The smaller diameter bones sound very nice. The calls I make out of geese are always given away to people. Waterfowl parts cannot be sold. I can't even trade them for other goods. Not worth having a federal charge brought up over one call. I do know some call makers that sell them (or donate them to fundraisers) and their DNR officers look at the calls as just call and not trying to sell goose parts (I think this is the same as people that tie flies for fishing). After asking 4 different DNR officers at the Deer Classic and getting 4 different answers I decided to cover myself by talking to the 2 officers in my area. They were both clear in saying they see it as selling goose parts (and I would be fined if I were to do so).

Since domestic turkeys are so much heavier, they have thicker bones. I have never tried using them but I have heard they don't sound good and are sort of brittle too.
Other that hen wings I also would be interested in young jake wings too! Anyone put one down yet? Let me know if you can send some my way.
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