Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

War Wounds


Active Member
Seeing lots of busted up bucks this yr, pretty intense rut by the looks of it.
This little dude even got a beating by the looks of it, one antler left, open wound on the shoulder.

This guy looks in rough shape, aside from his brows there's not much left.


I also thought some of you would enjoy the temps we've had this week.
Thanks for clarifying Sask...we thought you were in another planet zone...that's a little more radical than time zone. Hey really...I've been on this site for awhile, and I just wanted to say it's been good having you and others from different parts of the country on Iowawhitetail. I also wanted to tell you to enjoy what you guys have going on up there with your relationships with neighbors and others. As you can now tell, Iowa has lost a good share of what made this all so much fun in the first place..people, and people helping people.
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