Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Warren County 1st season


New Member
Hey guys, I'm going to be in south central Warren Co. for 1st season shotgun. I have read a couple different places that EHD got bad down there. I was wondering if anybody had any reports on the deer numbers from that immediate area??
Deer numbers are still very good I warren county. I donor think you will notice. But yes ehd hit us pretty hard.
I have noticed a decline in the number of mature deer this year in warren county. I would take it easy on the does. Most of the does that i have seen this year have been really young. That being said I really think that it hit pockets. It can really differ from one farm to the next. Really will probably need to assess the farm you are hunting as you go.
I'm in Warren...my neighbor says he has found dead deer, but only one so far on my property. We will check it out this weekend
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I'm on board with the pockets concept. I hunt Marion county some, which was supposedly hit pretty hard. My lease is split by a creek that was pretty much just stagnant puddles most of the summer. It had a little flow most of the time, but not much at all. I never found a single dead deer along about 1/4 to 3/8 of a mile of that creek. I found it kind of odd but I guess my ground wasn't affected much.
SW Warren and SE Madison counties were hit pretty hard by ehd. Numbers in my opinion are way down, at least on our farms. We are still finding older carcasses along the creeks. It just makes me sick the amount we've found. There are still deer, just not as many. Good luck and be safe.
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