Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Waste of time and tax $

I saw one floating in the DSM river last year also. Oh wait, that's right it was the one I shot with my bow last season. Damn memory is getting cloudy now that I am N of 45. :D:D
Surprised Obama wasn't there for a picture, that guy can't pass up a photo op or getting on TV.
The 'yote was presumed to be a White Sox fan and in need of saving. A 'yote that was a Cubs fan would have been much too smart to wonder out on the ice pack and get stranded. The firefighters that rescued the 'yote were Cubs fans just looking out for their lesser brethern.
Would have looked real nice After I squeezed the trigger on my muzzleloader unleashing the fury of a 50 cal Bullet ha and much cheaper.
Surprised Obama wasn't there for a picture, that guy can't pass up a photo op or getting on TV.
Yea I've see more of his ugly mug on TV than all the other Prez's combined, he even had to ruin one of my favorite shows Myth Busters. :rolleyes: I can't wait to vote his azz out of office in 2012. :way:
Yea I've see more of his ugly mug on TV than all the other Prez's combined, he even had to ruin one of my favorite shows Myth Busters. :rolleyes: I can't wait to vote his azz out of office in 2012. :way:

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