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Wear black in blinds?


My dad bought a Blind this winter for the grandkids to sit with us when we go turkey hunting this spring. Sould be interesting to say the least. I was watching a hunting show on the Outdoor Channel last night and these guys were bowhunting from a blind. They pointed out something I never thought of. They said to wear black if you are hunting from a blind cuz you will blend into the openings or windows better. I guess the turkeys won't see you inside moving around. Is that true and is that what you guys who hunt from blinds wear? Hope not. I have a ton of camo but nothing black! Tell me what you guys think. THANKS
I have been out scouting with my DBT2 blind for third season and have had several birds walk by. They have paid no attention to the blind and I was moving around taking pictures and using binoculars to look at them close up. I was just wearing my normal camo.
We always wear a black pullover and a black hat. I also have a thin black mask I'll wear if I see birds coming.The black really helps mask your movement inside the blind.

Make sure to set up your blind with the sun at your back, keeps the sun from lighting up the inside of the blind. Also, keep as many ports closed as possible to keep things dark.

Good Luck
Black allows you to blend better with your surroundings which is black inside the blind. As far as setting with the back to the sun, I have had problems with that due to the sun brightening up the back of the blind and causing a silhouette effect. Anymore, I set up either facing the sun or with the sun to either side of me if I can. (this is info from the newer Double Bull blinds that had a lighter black coating, my old T2 had a thick black interior and I could get away with much more)
i always wear my iowawhitetail black fleece or longsleeve shirt in my double bull. the origional IW hat works out great as well. i like to sit in a shadowy area if possible, otherwise i just keep movement to a minimum if im' in the sun.
I spent the morning out in the rain and new BS5 blind. I wore my regular camo rain gear and had a lot of birds near the blind. Regular camo seemed to have no ill efects. I was moving a good bit closing and opening different windows to avoid being back lit.
...I haven't had near the good experiences with my DBL bull that you guys have...I have used it for about a season and a half now and in that time have had two hens pretty much ignore it...but have had several turkeys (toms, jakes and hens) get nervous around it...sometimes it has been pretty much in the open but most the time it is in or on the timber edge...I wear (and so do the others in the blind) a black shirt, black face paint and dark gloves (usually I take off my hat)...as for windows I usually have the four front-facing shooting windows open and the front and the two side netting-covered windows open (I have the I5 blind)...everything else it closed...do I have too many windows opened?...do I just have bad luck?...
when in my double bull i have 2 windows MAXIMUM open totally. the rest will be totally shut, even the velcro covers over the mesh. the viewing windows i have mostly covered as well and just peek out them from time to time. i'll be a buffalo nickle that you are getting skylined through the mesh if you have mesh open behind you and in front of you. also i will have the sides nearest the sun ALWAYS closed because any amount of light in the blind is BAD.
I set mine up with 1 hole open and two small mesh to holes on sides to look out. Make sure that they do not line up. I don't think I've ever had a problem with my blind as so much with my decoy's.
Try and only have 2, maybe 3, windows/ports open at a time (including
your viewing windows). I agree with Muddy, you've got too much light coming in. The only time I will have 4 ports open is right at first light. This allows me to hear the gobbles better and sunlight is not a factor that early.

I noticed that the last couple years with my T5 blind. The newer blackened interior blocks no where near the light the original did. Last year I decided to buy a cheap black bedsheet and cut it in half. I then used safety pins to pin it up behind me, did a great job eliminating the silhouette problem. This year I bought a BS5, which has the black drop down sheet in it, and my bother is using the T5
I went to the automotive store and bought several cans of vinyl spraypaint and painted the interior with several coats. It does nothing to stiffen the canvas yet is really blackens the interior.
I bought the I5 because it was cheaper, I liked the windows - didn't need the big screen window, and it was much darker on the inside.
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