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week of late muzz.


PMA Member
I am off until I tag out or the end of the season whichever comes first. Tonight I couldn't have asked for a better wind. Walked in with the wind in my face . Set up on the river edge with my scent blowing into the wide open field across the river. I felt real good about tonights sit. I was all set up by 2:30. Had two turkeys in the field by 3 feeding and walking towards me. They got to 50 yards and took off. I figured there was no way they saw me the way they flew. Then I see a pheasant hunter on the other side of the river. I figured my night was screwed. But I figured with an hour left I didn't have time to relocated. With 30 minutes left I saw my first deer. Then the started piling out of the timber about 80 yards away. 33 doe and 2 little bucks.

I am going to try a morning hunt tomorrow. I hope to see some song dogs!
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The 'cold' the last couple days has really had them moving. I'm hoping to make it out this weekend to fill my last doe tag (bow).
Well I had a productive morning in the stand. Although I didn't shoot anything I did see roughly 55 deer. 13 bucks but no shooters. The biggest being the half rack I saw yesterday. I was hunting a bow stand and had deer all over. I don't think they ever winded me but its hard to sit still with 30 pair of eyes around. Every once in a while on would snort at me and run off, but never run to far and kept working there way back through.

The wind is NW now but is susppose to change to W SW. If it does I will sit where I did last night.
Well the wind didn't change to SW but W and that worked as well. Like clock work I had three thunder chicken come out about 3:30 just like yesterday but no pheasant hunter today. At 4 I had 2 doe come out into the picked corn. They didn't stick around long. They crossed the river because I guess beans was on the menu tonight. 20 till dark they started showing up on the other side of the river about 175 yards away. There was a decent 10 point in the group of 9. Not a shooter but an up and comer! Then some doe showed up in the standing corn along with the pert near famous half rack and 3 other scrub bucks. They sparred for awhile to the point I was thinking they might just knock off there rack. Needless to say that didn't happen.

Going to hunt a new piece tomorrow. I haven't ever been there but it has potential.
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The new piece didn't pan out this morning. I didn't see any deer. I had to come back to the house to do some paper work for a while. I am going to walk the new piece and see what I can fine as soon as I get done. Not sure where I am going tonight. I don't want to burn up the food plots. But its hard not to go back with all the action I have been seeing
Yeah its hard to be excited on a day where I should be on the Harley instead of hunting. I walked the new piece and decided although its a nice piece I would love to own, it probably won't ever produce a monster. There is at least 8 other people that hunt it. I am not Fred Bear, Ted Nudgent, or Thomas Allen, but I could tell you why the other people that hunt it won't shoot a big buck. For one all the sets I found where less then 50 yards off the beaten path(most less then 10 yards with salt blocks). Anyways, I walked around for two hours and found 4 piles of bones. The piece is just another one of those pieces that would be better controled by one or two hunters instead of 8.

Tonight I will be sitting on top of a mowed CRP field where I use to see deer every night when I was bow hunting. Not sure if they will still be out on it but its worth a shot. I bought another doe tag as well because I have a itchy trigger finger.
Sat on top of the hill over looking pert near the whole farm. I saw 20 deer 6 bucks and 14 doe. One of the bucks was the biggest I have seen yet. Questionable shooter, but he was 361 yards away.

Right at dark I had one big doe come out at 120 yards. I had an itch and my grandpa always said if I have an itch, scratch it! So I blew her up. She ran twenty yards and crashed.


Tomorrow I will go back to the big timber where I had all the action Wednesday. Just a different stand 400 yards deeper into the timber
I sat in the big timber this morning from 6:30 to 10:30. Seeing deer the whole time. I saw probably close to 100 deer. No shortage of deer on this farm. In all the deer I saw there were 20 different bucks. On being a 145 150 ten. I had him in my sights at 153 yards but just couldn't talk myself into pulling the trigger. Not because his head gear wasn't big enough or I am after a bigger one but because he was a young buck with great potential.

Probably going back to the standing corn tonight but sitting on the south side off it. There is also a green field next to the corn on the south side.
Man ,,I can't imagine seeing that many deer. Or that many bucks. You obviously are not near my part of Iowa!
Tonight I took a risk amd just laid in a tearess over looking the green field and standing corn. I saw 36 deer with 13 being bucks. One of those bucks I had ran into durning the bow season. I called him butter rack because his body is big but his rack is small. I figure him to be 4 1/2 at least. They were all between 20 and 250 yards. They broke the trend of slowly getting bigger every night. Tonight the biggest was 120 and that pesky half rack showed up.

Tomorow I will sit in a what we call the corner timber. Although I saw 100 deer today its not a good spot to shot a doe because of the deep ditches. I bought another doe tag, I won't lie I just like shooting them nannys!


This is what I over looked last night! GODS COUNTEY!
Well I didn't go to the corner timber this mornung, I went to the honky timber. That turned out to be a bad idea. I saw three doe, but I couldn't shoot one because they were on the neighbors side of the fence at 130 yards away. Something spooked them and they jumped the fence and ran by at 60 yards but at that point I thought it was to early to try and stop them. Needless to say I didn't see any other deer.

Now the land owner and I are going to make a few small deer drives. Not really a fan of deer drives but time is running out and I am not seeing the big bucks.
Tagged out tonight. It wasn't on a big ole monster, but a fat old Nanny! I got to my spot over looking the standing corn and green field a little late (3:15) and bumped 3 does off the field. Anyways I was just getting settled in and 8 does come running across the green field from the east. Since it was early I decided I would fill my last doe tag. They all stopped before running into the big timber. Ranged them at 77 yards and then let the hammer drop. She dropped and never felt a thing. At 4:30 I began to wonder if I had screwed myself by shooting that doe. Just then the deer started piling into the picked and standing corn. I watched and waited. Had a very nice 8 point that kept daring me to shoot him. Even with time running out I couldn't bring my self to shoot. So at last light I decided I would test out my my BDR (bullet drop reticle) that was built into my scope. There was a doe feeding at 277 yards so I put my bottom cross hair on her and squeezed the trigger. After the smoke cleared I saw my second doe laying motionless in the picked corn. 3 shockwaves and 3 dead doe not to bad for a newbie!

Thanks for reading.
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