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Well, that was embarrassing . . .


New Member
I got out for an afternoon hunt today, and had an interesting experience. No gobbling was going on, and I had been in one spot for a couple hours, so I decided to move on. I went through a wooded area, and came out into a beanfield. Right away, I noticed a couple toms on the field edge about 70-80 yards away. I ducked into the tall grass, and reached out and planted the hen decoy. They hadn't seen me, so I reached out and planted the jake decoy. I ducked into the tall grass, and gave a couple of soft yelps. That's when it got interesting.

I could barely see them coming my way, so I got ready for the shot - I knew it would be close. Pretty soon, I saw a red head, and a beard at about 10 yards through the grass. Right before the shot, another red head popped up right beside it, so I had to wait. They came by at 5 yards (yes, that would be 15 feet), and spotted me. I quickly pulled up on the lead tom, and pulled the trigger . . right after he had ducked and turned to run. Ho boy . . . missed that bad boy at 5 yards.
They scattered, but weren't real alarmed. And it turns out that there were at least 4 toms and a couple hens. I stayed there til they were gone, and then worked my way back to the truck.

Suppose I could have been mad, but that wouldn't have done any good. It was a lot easier to laugh and just shake my head.
I was fortunate enough to get a jake from this farm during second season, and CamoKid and I will be heading out tomorrow morning for his first hunt of the year. Like I said in the post when I got the jake - I'm having too much fun. It would be nice to have a big ol' tom for the smoker, but I'll get more mileage out of this story. Stay tuned . . .
I'm betting almost everyone that hunt's turkey's has missed a couple,I know I have.Good luck tomarrow and keep us posted.
that's not that bad camo man now if you would have missed that close with a gun i would think otherwise!
You have such a great attitude Camo. Good luck tomorrow and I hope you and the 'kid' have a great time!
Yup, been there, done that!
With as tight as my gun patterns at 20 yards I can easily see how a miss can happen. Just a slight move and the bird is safe. I shot my 4th season bird last year on the second shot as he ran away.....the first shot was well within 15 steps and I missed him clean. Things happen in the turkey woods, and its best to laugh like you said.
I am done this year hunting turks....got my birds for 2nd and 4th seasons and they ended on the first few hours of each outing.....so at least you'll still get to be going afield and having some fun!
SplitG3, sorry for the bad news, but I WAS using a gun. I have used an old Winchester Model 37 single shot for the last few years, because it's the only 12 gauge I own (and I really like it). Actually, it's my father-in-law's gun, but he wants me to have it. If I had a second shot, I would have stood up, and probably could have taken one of the two that were closest. The more I think about it, the funnier it gets. I remember swinging to my left in the tall grass just as the lead tom started to leave. I figured at that range, he would be decapitated. If he was, he sure ran really well without a head.
sorry camo man for some reason i thought you were using a bow! hey you can look at it this way it's just a turkey, so no big deal, now if it was a mature whitetail then that would really suck. hell i ain't got the first chance to go turkey hunting yet this year and it's been in for 2 weeks. but from what i hear i ain't missing anything because almost all the hens are on the nest anyway and hardly no gobbling at all. i haven't been able to go due to the fact that my WIFE thinks that getting our house built is more important! man she just don't know any better does she?
You better get that house built or hunting will be something your read about or hear you buddies talk about it!
I am speaking from experience. Get you house built then she will be so busy decorating it she want even know that you have been gone.
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