PMA Member
Some of you have followed some of the stories I've posted behind SYC (special youth challenge), in which Outreach Outdoors volunteers in taking kids who are handicapped in some way out on turkey hunts in the spring and deer hunts in the fall. We love to partner with the guys at SYC as they are a great group and they do things the 'right way.'
I'm going to apologize for the long story, but I think it will be worth your time. Well, this year was no exception as I tagged along with Dillon from Marshalltown. We were hunting a spot near Sioux Rapids with small creek in front of us and a ridge of big Oak timber leading down to us. We set up a coupld hens and jake, and also a B-mobile a little further out. This was our set-up and 'mansion.'
This year was special to me as I've been known as the "black cat" because it seems every year I have the camera rolling and we get close to getting a harvest on film but something always happens where we can't get a shot off, or we just don't get anything close. They told us we were in a good area, so I entered the hunt with some confidence.
They drove us to the blind on the windy April 26th morning - which proved to be a blessing in disguise as it covered our noise. It wasn't long before about 5-6 gobblers were sounding off all around us. We yelped and waited and yelped some more, purring and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at ' seemed we had 3 of them getting closer and closer, but we might have called them off by calling too much.
It got to the point where Dillon was extremely cold, and thought about heading in, but he was tough so he, the 3 guides helping, and me, the cameraman stuck it out...patience, that day (and probably most everyday) turned out to be a virtue. I looked out the back of our 9' River's Edge "mansion" and saw a Tom sneaking down the ridge to us. We worked him for about 30 minutes with me jumping from window to window to get the best footage I could get. All 3 guides were purring and putting, and the tom couldn't resist. He jumped right through the fence and walked 3 yards away from our blind (keep in mind Dillon wasn't mobile enough to swing him and shoot out the side - it was all or nothing with our decoys). He proceded to walk out front, right past the jake and hens, straight over to the B-Mobile. All this time, it was a miracle that the turkey didn't see us from 5 yards as Dillon was trying to get the gun on him. The big tom flared up in full strut, bumping B-mobile and he then started walking away. I was thinking it wasn't going to happen because Dillon couldn't quite get him in the scope...well, the tides turned for the ol' 'black cat' as the guides putted, the tom lifted his head, and, as they say, that ol' Tom took a dirt nap!
There was a lot of celebrating in the blind and later back at camp. Once again, I went into the weekend thinking I was going to serve and give; and once again, I left on Sunday taking more than I could ever give.
I want to encourage you that if you ever get a chance like this, DO IT. You will NOT be let down!
Here are a few pics from our story...
Not sure on the weight, but 10" beard and 1" spurs were the marks...
The bird...
Dillon and his prized possesion...
And the bozos who tagged along!
I'm going to apologize for the long story, but I think it will be worth your time. Well, this year was no exception as I tagged along with Dillon from Marshalltown. We were hunting a spot near Sioux Rapids with small creek in front of us and a ridge of big Oak timber leading down to us. We set up a coupld hens and jake, and also a B-mobile a little further out. This was our set-up and 'mansion.'

This year was special to me as I've been known as the "black cat" because it seems every year I have the camera rolling and we get close to getting a harvest on film but something always happens where we can't get a shot off, or we just don't get anything close. They told us we were in a good area, so I entered the hunt with some confidence.
They drove us to the blind on the windy April 26th morning - which proved to be a blessing in disguise as it covered our noise. It wasn't long before about 5-6 gobblers were sounding off all around us. We yelped and waited and yelped some more, purring and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at ' seemed we had 3 of them getting closer and closer, but we might have called them off by calling too much.
It got to the point where Dillon was extremely cold, and thought about heading in, but he was tough so he, the 3 guides helping, and me, the cameraman stuck it out...patience, that day (and probably most everyday) turned out to be a virtue. I looked out the back of our 9' River's Edge "mansion" and saw a Tom sneaking down the ridge to us. We worked him for about 30 minutes with me jumping from window to window to get the best footage I could get. All 3 guides were purring and putting, and the tom couldn't resist. He jumped right through the fence and walked 3 yards away from our blind (keep in mind Dillon wasn't mobile enough to swing him and shoot out the side - it was all or nothing with our decoys). He proceded to walk out front, right past the jake and hens, straight over to the B-Mobile. All this time, it was a miracle that the turkey didn't see us from 5 yards as Dillon was trying to get the gun on him. The big tom flared up in full strut, bumping B-mobile and he then started walking away. I was thinking it wasn't going to happen because Dillon couldn't quite get him in the scope...well, the tides turned for the ol' 'black cat' as the guides putted, the tom lifted his head, and, as they say, that ol' Tom took a dirt nap!
There was a lot of celebrating in the blind and later back at camp. Once again, I went into the weekend thinking I was going to serve and give; and once again, I left on Sunday taking more than I could ever give.
I want to encourage you that if you ever get a chance like this, DO IT. You will NOT be let down!
Here are a few pics from our story...
Not sure on the weight, but 10" beard and 1" spurs were the marks...

The bird...

Dillon and his prized possesion...

And the bozos who tagged along!