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What a vacation


PMA Member
Well I havent been on here far a couple of days and do I have alot of catching up to do. Lotsa posts to read. I started my vacation on Tuesday p.m. I was pumped got the next 10 days off to hunt. Went hunting on Tuesday evening and had my first encounter with a true "monster". What a deer!! A beautiful deer. A 170-180 class deer. A 5x5 with split g3s making him a 6x6. He came to within 50 yards in an open corn field and came no closer. Just seeing him and knowing he is there made my vacation. That was the high, and now for the low. Got up yesterday morning got already to go. Put all my stuff in the back of my truck. When to my morning spot got out and ... NO bow or gear!!! Some low life had stolen them when I stopped at the quik-shop for a little coffee. Could'nt have been there 3 minutes. Well that shot Yesterday, kinda hard to hunt without a bow or anything else. Well to keep this short, still got an old bow I used in the past. Just got back from Lincoln and $200 later for just the basics I am ready to go again. God my wife will kill me for my expensive hobby.
I still have 8 1/2 days to hunt, so all aint lost. Well gotta go. Got deer to hunt. Hope everyone is aving better luck tham me!
Thats sucks huskerbuck, if you catch him I'd hang him by his nuts. Hang in there. It can only go up from here
OH MAN. Castration is too good for a bastard that would do that. About 23 years ago I had all of my fishing gear ripped off outa my Ramcharger. I still feel violated. I'm a peaceful guy but having somebody rip me off like you and I were almost makes jail time for getting even worth it.

The 'Bonker
go to any local PAWN SHOPS my dad had his golfclubs stolen out of the back of his brand new CHEVY SS WITH A TONAL COVER yes, they opened up the tonal cover and stole them but we went to the pawn shops, and THEIR THEY WERE the pawn dude had the guys name that pawned them in, and they went back and got the bastard......... now hees in jail... I'D do taht with your bow wow u dont kno how PISSED I WOULD BE. after seeing that kinda buck the night before and having your bow stolen the next day wow CASTRATION PLUS A SLUG TO HIS HEAD then it would be even!!!!
That really sucks HB. What kind of setup was it? I'll keep an eye out in the pawn shops around here.
Man would I ever be Pissed! The tone of your post makes me think you have a very good disposition. Sometimes I wish I could let things go that I can't controll. I hope you recover your gear and I hope you drill that true "Monster". Enjoy
Thanks all. Shovel, It is a PSE PREDATOR with a NAP Quick Tune 1000 rest. It is in a black Plano case. Ironwood, on Wednesday I was pissed as hell. I pretty much pouted around the whole day. Was upset that my vacation was ruined and thought about going back to work. But then I thought about what I really wanted and that was to be in a tree hunting for the next week or so. Didn't think I would see any deer at work so what the hell just as well make the best of it. Just got back from hunting this morning. Only saw one doe real early. I was getting ready to leave and I spotted a dink buck in the grass about 100 yards away. I thought I would have some fun with him so I hit the "can" a couple of times. No response from him at all. I look to my right and about 30 yards away is a very nice 110-120 5x4 on a dead run right at me. He stops right under my stand. There is absolutly nothing I could do at this point. He looks around and knows something aint right snorts runs about 40 yards looks back snorts again and walks away. That is the exact reason I am on vacation and not at work. In the words of Stan Potts, " I absolutly LOVE this game". Good luck to all!!!
Sadly I had a very simalar thing happen a few yrs ago the night before gun season I worked second shift then was leaving after work to NE iowa to hunt w/ family went to my truck found the drivers window broken out and all my stuff gone.
called my insurance agent to find out that I was covered under our home owners policy don't forget to check with them it could help offset the cost of replacing your equipment
it still pisses me off and it was close to 10 yrs ago
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