Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What a way....


Active Member
To start a vacation. Monday was my first day of vacation and I was trimming a shooting lane with a pole saw and I was using the pruning section. I was pulling on the rope when the handle slipped out of my hand which swung the pole saw around quick and it fell right on me. It put a 3 inch cut as the picture shows. The saw hit me and I just knew it was going to be bad. I felt no pain but could feel a warm liquid running down my neck. I ripped off my under armour shirt and put it on my neck. I had blood all over both hands and neck.

I was a little hysterical as I was in BFE and knew where no hospitals were or how bad the cut was. I jumped in the truck and ran to the neighbors house but nobody was home. I called the next farmer over and he rushed over and took me in. two hours later I was all stitched up. I just want you all to be safe out there when using a pole saw. I would of never dreamed this could happen and it was my own fault for taking on too large a limb for the pruning section.

Holy Crap! You are lucky!! Yes, be very safe. A couple of years ago, my former boss was out pounding fence posts into the desert on his property SE of Tucson when the post driver bounced back and cracked him right in the middle of the forehead. He said he actually saw stars and woke up about 30 minutes later. And he was pretty much in BFE for that area. Once I knew he was ok, I asked to make sure my performance evaluations were completely filled out in the affirmative if he decided to go back! Glad you are ok.
WOW Liv! That is bad but could have been so much worse! Imagine if it had hit your eye! Those things are really sharp should be treated with much care. I made the mistake of hauling mine in my bow/gun holder on the front rack of my ATV. Seemed like a good idea until I walked around to get a stand off the rack and the saw caught my arm. Luckily I had on a thick flannel shirt and it only left a scratch but it could have been bad. Be careful out there and I hope your vacation gets better!:way:
One of those things that None of us would ever think would happen!! Glad your okay! Scary if it had hit you across the side of the neck!!! Thats messed up brother!!
Glad your ok Liv. Must have been a lot of blood to stain your hair like that. Thank God that's not permanent!
Wow! Glad your ok Liv. Note to everyone to have landowners phone numbers in your phone and they know where your stands are placed. Also try to let someone know where you will be hunting in case of an accident and can be found.

We had a hunter in the area I hunt fall out of a stand a couple of weeks ago and was not found for eight hours. Also lost a classmate several years ago to a treestand accident.
Ouch, man! Glad to see you are OK. It's a good reminder for all of us to take extra precaution out in the woods where we can be further away from emergency care.
It's merely a flesh wound! Anybody seen Monty Python?

Thats wicked, glad it didnt take your ear.Was there a good blood trail?:drink2:
Those bastards are super sharp!!! Glad your ok Mike and I hope the rest of your hunts go better then that one.I have cut the heck out of my hands a couple times with those saws trimming limbs before,OUCH!!
Dang brother, take it easy out there. Glad to hear you are ok, be safe the rest of the year.

About a week ago my brother took it down to the bone on his pointer finger with the pole saw too. It was nasty as heck, but healed up quickly. Now go put a gash in the side of a whitetail the size of the one in your pumpkin.

Pole saws are for trees silly wabbit. :D I bet you about chit when you saw all the blood, it is a good thing it never hit your neck or your ear that thick skull of yours saved you. :D
glad you're ok! not fun, but at least you got a cool scar out of the deal!
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