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What about this idea ??


Here is kind of a goofy question,but if you knew me,you would understand. Last
spring was my first to hunt turkeys, in a blind. It seemed like that every deer that wandered near, would come close and sometimes sniff my turkey decoys,actually ignoring my blind.Okay,has anybody ever put out turkey decoys in the fall, while ground hunting for deer? Not that I wouldn't trade my tree stand during the rut,but might be kind of fun during the late season, filling a doe tag. Maybe I should change my username to Marlin Perkins.
Yeah, now just stick an apple on his beak and you'll be set!! just kiddin, it might work.
Stuffy...deer do seem to be very curious around turkey decoys. I have had many experiences with younger deer coming in to investigate during a Spring hunt. However, you may have better luck with a deer decoy for deer and still have fun while decoying in a blind. Good Luck!

Oh, welcome to iowawhitetail "The Skoal Man".

Might work as a confidence builder when using in conjunction with a Deer decoy. Like when using a Blue Heron decoy with waterfowl. Give it a try and let us know.
I was thinking of doing the same thing this fall. I always have turkeys walk under my treestand, but they spot me drawing back every time. With the ground blind I could do some rattling and some yelping - maybe fill both tags that way.
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