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What are good deer numbers


Wondering what you guys with small farms see for deer numbers. I've shot one doe per year on my place and have to shoot the rest elsewhere because I think my numbers are too low. Having trouble getting does this year at said elsewhere places (venison is our meat source) and it's temping not to shoot them at my farm when they walk right by each time. I enjoy seeing any deer when in a stand and I don't want to get carried away.

In the fall I see on average 2 antlered and 4 antlerless deer per morning or evening sit. These averages are a little low because I normally sit in tight cover where I can't see squat... This year, I've saw 5 antlered and 8 antlerless deer on my best sits. Half the antlerless deer are fawns. I believe there are 12 deer (10 does) bedding and exclusively using my farm...not considering the handful of 2.5/3.5 year old bucks that make regular visits. I saw zero mature deer this year

My farm is only 100 acres; it is 30% mature timber/draws/new growth, 45% grass hay/idle fields, 20% CRP and 4% food plots. The neighboring properties are mostly the same except no food plots and a good amount of pasture.
we quit the whole slaughter the does mantra a few years ago.. we are averaging 1 doe/ 200 acres. it seems to be working well for us.
That is tough call. I would think it would vary a lot by location. I don't know Ia as well as MN, but I do know that for the last three days in the stand--- the area I was hunting does not have a deer shortage (Osceola).

If you want to see more deer, I would pass as much as you can. Hopefully there will be more next year, but your land does have a max carrying capacity. More food always helps.
Oh yeah, I'm in SC Iowa. I will be increasing the food a bunch next year. Hopefully 20 acres into a crop rotation. While posting this question, I put down on paper what my property consists of for the first time. I was shocked that I have that much idle ground not doing anything. It's not all one chunk but broken into 1-2 acres here and there...I didn't mentally realize there was such waste.
Gotcha. Thought you were referring to how many deer live on your property and surely 1 / 200 acres was a typo :)

Have seen many more fawns this year so that has to mean good things. I bought this place after the big EHD blow in the area, nothing to compare now to
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