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What are the odds of pen raising a World Record?



Hypothetical situation.....let's say an avid hunter (we'll call him Itchy Rump-ola) decides to pen raise a World Record. He has a nice secluded farm, big barn, and livestock feeders. Itchy orders up the finest mineral and protein supplements...then plants every favorite food known to the Whitetail. This project may take 6-7 years....now the tricky part, how can you be sure the deer chosen for this experiment has the genetics to produce a World Record rack?...and how can you be sure he doesn't start growing drop tines after 5 years and go non-typical?
i dont know any of the answers to your questions, but i would think if i had a buck that big in my pen, i would be telling everyone and having alot better pictures of him in a wildlife setting, to sell the bait. the genetics part, i would think would be hard to tell, unless you got a deer that was breed by a monster like heart attack or any of those big typicals. my favorite deer of all time is 30-30 i dont know if this story is true, but i was always told that 30-30 was found in a ditch in the wild after its mom was smashed on the highway, and a guy picked him up and grew him and that is what he came into. i would think if you could grow a world record easily, which im sure you cant, there would be alot more scams out there today of people trying to get their glory.
I simply raise the question to examine the obstacles and unlikely possibility it could be done...rumors persist that Rompola's was pen raised, maybe...maybe not...but to have all the right genetics and blood lines for a World Record would be tough to produce even under the best of conditions.
The whitetail 'farms' in Alberta and elsewhere have been trying to do just that for many years, and have so far failed miserably. There are many bucks in the 180's and a few in the 190's net, but the truth is that the 200 typical barrier has not been broken behind a high fence, to the best of my knowledge. Let alone 213+ net typical.

Even with all the mineral supplements and food plots that money can buy, it's still mother nature that produces the truly world class whitetails.
Anything is possible in todays world. Heck, why not try cloning of the big bucks. We could bring back the Jordan buck, Nebraska giant, Missouri Monarch and the Hole in the Horn buck and have one heck of a future in genetics. Like I said anything is possible about growing huge bucks, penned or wild. As long as there is adequate nutrition, genetics and we let the bucks grow old, we can have the same size or even bigger deer in the future.
a world class buck on a deer farm is worth way more alive then dead.plus like was said all your buddies would know about him,you would be showing pictures to eveyone to help you deer farm.
dont know,but i bet youed spend a lot of money trying to find out.Records of where and when the deer where bought and sold would be kept track of by the DNR here,if you did it legally.
But dont think that would make much difference after a few generations of these deer were raised,get lost in the paper work after a while and no one would really know.If some one did find out it would not be a record long?
As some one said before,these deer are really freaks of nature some of them.Seems like lot of trouble to go through to try and get a record.
I wonder how much they get for stud fees from the 3030 buck?
Roughly 5 years ago I believe Penn State's deer research facility had grown a typical that was bigger than the world record. At the time I think the Jordon was still on top but the buck from Penn State was quite a bit bigger. Also I talked to a person last year that knew of 2 Non-typicals in pens that both went over 300 inches.

Allamakee Grand Slam
As far as I know their is no "TEST" developed to determine the bucks Score potential. I do know that some work has been done to try and come up with a DNA test for this though. To this date nobody has come up with the genetic markers for the genes that produce rack size, yet. With enough time and money they will find it.
and another thing,we have a lot of these deer farms around here and they get out of the fences lot more then you would think.
On the same note, this year at the Classic I was talking to someone about the great nontypicals coming out of Missouri. I mentioned the 'Missouri Monarch' as an example and this person went on to tell me something I had never heard about this deer. He said that it had actually been a pen raised buck from Texas. It was being sold and delivered somewhere in the midwest. While passing through Missouri, the buck died for some reason or other. Not wanting to deliver a dead deer the haulers elected to unload the buck in a ditch and retrieve it on their way back. However, before they could pick it back up a road crew found the deer and the rest is history. Has anyone else heard this story. I would think by testing the rack you could tell what region this deer came from.
I believe it is possible to raise a record typical buck, but I don’t believe you could do this secretly with out anyone knowing you have it and harvest this animal and get away with it. After all you would have to have this deer for at least 3.5 years, but 5 or 6 are more likely in order to grow that many inches. Odds of him going non typical are great.And off topic I know we are all hunters here, but I would not be able to kill a deer after 5-6 years the bond would be equal to that of a dog.
You mean a big non-typ like this or a typ?LOL...The MO buck was not found by a road crew.It was found by a hunter returning home David something if i remember right....Joe


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So that big nontyp looks uncomfortable. Send him past my blind in Oct. and I will put him out of his misery !!!

At least I would try. With a deer like that walking by, the trees near him would probably be in more danger !!!

Is that photo the deer that ran off the deer farm and seems to have returned and resently pictured in the Dubuque Telegraph Herald?
He didn't run off without help. He was taken from his rightfull owner by an aquantance four years ago. The buck can be identified by a tatoo & a computer chip. A friend of mine was along when he was dicovered hidden away on a farm 30 miles from where he was taken. This picture is at the place he was found behind the wooden fence.


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