I don't think these Summer patterns hold a glass of water when bow season arrives, not to mention when the time gets closer to the rut.
For me, this time of year is just like taking inventory of what's around right now. You have no idea what bucks will disappear or show up by bow season. Especially if you hunt larger tracts of timber.
Bryan Kinkel has conducted extensive preseason censuses of whitetails across the Southeast. His observation data and trail-cam photos show that 50 percent of the older bucks may spend the spring/summer months at one end of their home range, then shift to another core area for fall and winter. These seasonal ranges may have little or no overlap. His data shows these shifts occur around the time bucks shed velvet--sometime September 5-20. So that furry-racked beast you spot in a bean field this weekend might be gone when bow season opens.
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I am much more concerned about staying out of a deer's security zone this time of year. Run your cams on trails leading to and from bedding and feeding areas, but stay completely out of their core security areas. A camera flash isn't going to run a buck out of his core area. Repeatative disturbance to his security zone will.
To answer your question, why take the chance of putting the cam right next to your stand?