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What Binos to get?

Zen Ray's Just as good and cheaper... The ZRS HD's are around $230 and are just as good as like a Nikon Monarch. The ED2's are around $425 and would compare with the Vipers.
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I have a pair of ZEN RAY ED2 8 powers. Simply amazing glass. Nothing can compete for the $$ and you will have to spend over a grand to start competing.
I have a pair of Vortex, and I get along great with them. Have heard plenty of things about Zen Ray, and all was good.

Vortex does have a great warranty, if you ever break them , drop them, anything; they fix them for free. If the are unfixable they will replace, it doesn't matter who's fault it is.

Others may have warranties like that, I don't know.
Love my Vortex binos. Would never go back to the Monarchs. They were fine but the eye pieces were crap. :way:
Vortex razors are what I have and like them a lot. This fall, I spent my Cabela's bucks points I accumulated over the last 2 years and got a pair of Swarovski EL's Swarovision Bino's. They have perfect view and clarity, just amazing, and the razor's I have are reasonably close in a side by side comparison. I would go to a retail store and see if one of the clerks will go outside with you as close to dusk as you can and compare that way and pick what you feel is the best. That is about the best way to find what you like best.
Can't say much for what you're looking at, I've had the same Nikon Monarchs for 4 years now and have had zero problems with anything on them and I've put them through the wringer.
I've owned Swarovskis for over 10 years now (perk of job) and recently tried a pair of Vortex Vipers while I was down in AL on the oil spill. They are amazingly clear and bright, reminding me very much of my Swaros. I have a good friend that has a Vortex scope on his rifle and loves it for the money. Another friend at the archery shop here in town uses the Vortex Vipers and absolutely loves them. As KSHUNTER says, you can't beat their warranty. Admittedly, I know nothing about Zen Rays so I can't speak to them. Of course, the few times I've used Nikon optics, I wasn't disappointed. They use the same quality of glass in their optics as they do in their camera lenses and they are about the best lenses out there. And I haven't been disappointed when I've used Leuopold glass, although I know there is one line that is made in China for them and they are dirt cheap and about dirt quality. I can't remember the exact model line, but I've used that line once and was completely disappointed that Leupold would even consider that option.
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