Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What do you call this?


Is this a split main beam or a double main beam or other? (best pic i have that is close up and decent angle)
I don't think its a double beam since there are just the two bases. Who knows if this antler characteristic will remain year to year??? He needs at least another based on aging him from the other pics I have but a pretty cool deer.

I'd call it a double main beam, but who knows, maybe that is technically incorrect. Incidentally, we had one sort of like that last year...but this year he did not grow that second beam. We're 99% sure we are looking at the same buck year to year, but this year, no second beam.

He did sprout a couple of other NT points though and will be very hard to pass if he gets in my way! Yours is a very nice one, but he may really be a giant next year. I think you are on the right track giving him one more year.
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