I do a lot of my hunting before I go to work in the morning. So, a hang-up situation for me would be determined by how much time I have. If it's early in the season and they fly down away from me, sometimes, I just get up and leave and try them again in the morning. If it's a little later in the season and I'm not worried whether i'll spook em or not, a belly crawl may come into play. Last year, fortunately, I was able to sneak in pre-dawn and set up with in 30 yards of the branch the two toms I shot were roosted on. They flew down and the rest was history. One thing I've learned in hang-up situations, other than to "shut the heck up" is to return to that spot the next morning. Those toms seem to have good memory, and a lot of times will head for the spot I was calling from the morning before in hopes of greeting a new possey of hens.