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What do you do?


What do you do when that bird is hung up out there just out of range (gun or bow)?

I usually just stay quite or give a few soft purrs or clucks. Just thought it would be interesting to see what you guys do if you ave a way that you handle these situations.
Ive killed more birds when I wasnt calling than when I was.......maybe its just my calling:confused:
Put the calls away. Or if he is out of sight raise cane with the calls then put them away.


If you are hunting with a partner and the bird is out of sight (for sure), have him (or you depending on who is shooting) call while walking away from him. Its called back calling and can be very effective in many situations. It has worked for me a few times, but unfortunately, I was the one calling :drink1:
I do a lot of my hunting before I go to work in the morning. So, a hang-up situation for me would be determined by how much time I have. If it's early in the season and they fly down away from me, sometimes, I just get up and leave and try them again in the morning. If it's a little later in the season and I'm not worried whether i'll spook em or not, a belly crawl may come into play. Last year, fortunately, I was able to sneak in pre-dawn and set up with in 30 yards of the branch the two toms I shot were roosted on. They flew down and the rest was history. One thing I've learned in hang-up situations, other than to "shut the heck up" is to return to that spot the next morning. Those toms seem to have good memory, and a lot of times will head for the spot I was calling from the morning before in hopes of greeting a new possey of hens.
With a gun. When he is facing you, shoot about 5 feet over his head. He will run the way he is facing and when he is range, smoke him. Works the same with coyotes. With a bow, if I can see him I will work my decoys and use soft purrs clucks etc. If I can't see him, I may slip out of the blind while my buddy waits for him to come into investigate. If all else fails, shut up.

I do have a hang up pin set up which is somewhere between my 70yd pin and the bottom of the site. :)
With a gun. When he is facing you, shoot about 5 feet over his head. He will run the way he is facing and when he is range, smoke him.

Couldn't tell if you were serious or not, but either way I got a good belly laugh out of this one :D

I have closed the deal in this situation a few times by not calling anymore. Then I just start raking the leaves imitating a hen scratching. It is usually enough to get them to commit. The bad thing is when they do finish, they will have the exact location you are sitting absolutely pegged.
Put the calls away. Or if he is out of sight raise cane with the calls then put them away.

Im with Limb on this one normally if I cant see them I do whatever it takes to get them really fired up then just shut up and wait. But if theyre in sight just wait them out with a few soft purrs and clucks just enough to keep them interested
Couldn't tell if you were serious or not, but either way I got a good belly laugh out of this one :D


NWBUCK. Serious as a heart attack. It works. I haven't done it but I have read about it and seen it on I believe an old Ray Eye video. I have also seen guys miss birds out there aways only to shoot them within 20 yards. I have missed coyotes when they were out there 150 -200 yards away before that were facing me only to shoot them when they run right in at less than 50 yards :)
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