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What do you think these would score?


PMA Member
I thought these were two nice bucks but then a got on here and got second thoughts. I wish they could make it a couple years but there is no way with highways and the amount of hunters. If i get the opportunity this year I still might take the shot considering it would be my second bow kill. What you guys think either one would score if you can tell?
Re: My best pics

When you are in your post/full reply screen... you need to click on the third icon from the left just above where you type. When you hover over it, it should say "Enter an Image". First of all, your image needs to have been uploaded onto the internet through another site. I always use myspace or facebook. Other people use sites such as photobucket. Go to where your pic is uploaded, right click on the pic and go down to 'properties'. Click on properties and then 'copy' the whole URL address. Come back to your full reply screen, click on the "Enter Image" icon. It will bring up a little box where you need to 'paste' the URL of your pic into. If your computer is protected from pop-ups, make sure you pay attention to your menu bar up above and if it says it has blocked a pop-up, then you need to 'temporarily allow pop-ups' and then click the "Enter Image" button again and paste your URL. Hope that helps.. Always preview your post before actually posting to make sure it worked. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Re: My best pics

You can also host pics right here on IW. Much of this will be rehashed from what was said above but the way I like to do it, especially if I'm posting more than one pic is like this:

-Open two separate browsers for Iowawhitetail.com
-Sign in and go to the forums on both.
-On the first one, start your thread.
-On the second one, click on "Upload Photo" in the upper right corner of this page just under where it says Welcome Jhertel.
-Halfway down the new page, click on browse and find the pic you want to submit on your computer. Double click the pic to select it.
-Now click Upload/Submit and your pic will be generated.
-Put your mouse over the newly added pic, then right click and select properties, then copy the entire URL.
-Now pull back up the original window of IW where you started the thread and click on the "Enter an image" icon that looks like a piece of paper with the upper right corner folded over.
-That brings up a small window with a box for entering the URL you copied. Paste it into the box and click OK.
-You're done.
Re: My best pics

The information was both very helpful but now that's all get is the box with the x threw it.
Re: My best pics

I would say 115ish and 3.5 year olds but maybe 2.5 with good genes:). If you want to harvest one..then go for it!!! I have found no matter what you do, somebody will say you should have passed him or vice versa. Do whats best for you and the progression of your goals etc will change with the seasons. Shooting one because you are afraid a car or other hunter would kill him are things I still consider as my farm can't possibly contain the deer but I personally know I am fooling myself. There are no guarantees and if I shoot one it truly is because I wanted too, not because another might. If you don't shoot them it should be because you wouldn't be happy with them, not for fear of another hunter or car. My second deer was a doe...still one of my favorite falls and I remember how proud I was. Enjoy the HUNT and if you really are excited after the shot then thats all that matters. Good luck!
Re: My best pics

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would say 115ish and 3.5 year olds but maybe 2.5 with good genes:). If you want to harvest one..then go for it!!! I have found no matter what you do, somebody will say you should have passed him or vice versa. Do whats best for you and the progression of your goals etc will change with the seasons. Shooting one because you are afraid a car or other hunter would kill him are things I still consider as my farm can't possibly contain the deer but I personally know I am fooling myself. There are no guarantees and if I shoot one it truly is because I wanted too, not because another might. If you don't shoot them it should be because you wouldn't be happy with them, not for fear of another hunter or car. My second deer was a doe...still one of my favorite falls and I remember how proud I was. Enjoy the HUNT and if you really are excited after the shot then thats all that matters. Good luck! </div></div>

Best answer you're going to get, right there!
I'm guessing around 100 inches. Nice solid 2 1/2 year olds. I am from your area there are alot of nice deer around. Yes we don't have many of the monsters they have in other parts of the state but we do have a few. It takes hard work and dedication and it still doesn't work out every year. I would say shoot what you are going to be happy with, but be proud. Don't be one of those guys thats always saying they won't make it another year. It might only take you passing it to blow into a monster. There are a lot more shot gun groups passing on little bucks then ever before around here. Good Luck
Thanks for all the advise everyone. Huntyak and DEERBOY you both had good points. I am going out today to check my cameras and hope i have some more nice pics. I am only 17 so just seeing pictures other than a doe is always nice and this march we had a house fire so it's been hard finding time to do my hunting stuff especially since we did all the work on our own to redo the house. Thank god it wasn't a total loss but all the my hunting clothes and gear were right boy the fire so they all got smoke damage. Well thanks again for all the advise. Keep it coming hopefully more pics after today.
I agree, 110-115" 2 yr olds.... Its a rational fear that they will get killed by a car or hunter absolutly...But theres a chance they will live...But one will definatly not live if you shoot him. Only one way to get a deer to 5,6,7 yrs old.

But that said, before anyone thinks i figure you should pass...Theres only one dude that needs to decide if you want to shoot. And if your proud of the deer, who cares about his vital statistics or score. Whether hunting with buds or not, its a private sport and the only person that needs to be impressed or satisfied is ones self... In my opinion, if you harvested one, I'd be happy as hell for you, and very impressed...You found them, set up, and maybe kill one...and thats an accomplishment.

Hope that makes sense.

Good luck!
and I just read your only 17...so if you scouted, set up cams, got pics and killed one, I dont care if it was a fawn, personally I would be VERY impressed, and you would certianly have something to smile about and carry a huge sense of pride over such an accomplishment!
thanks for the opionons everyone. Saskbowhunter you made a very good point. Thanks again. No new pics this week.
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