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What does everyone think about the Kisky's....


Shed Head!!!
I know that they are from Iowa and I have seen some absoutely awesome videos that they have produced. Does anyone know anything about them??? Do they have a commercial hunting operation, or, are they simply in the video and hunting product business?

I have watched several videos that just make me drool. Does anyone know what part of Iowa their land is in??

When ever I hear the Kisky name I think about a picture I saw in a magazine of Don with a 170 class deer that was rubbing a tree and lost it's footing causing it's rack to get stuck between the V of 2 trees. The buck was dead with it's rack between the trees and only the skeleton left.

Just curious....

Well the Kisky's are from the Garden Grover Area of Iowa. Which is in the south central part of iowa. They seem like very nice people and very smart about whitetails.
I know Don & Kandi personally. They manage some of the best ground you'll find in south-central Iowa. They only shoot mature bucks. As far as their production, they run a video production company on the side while being full-time farmers.
I know I would try to farm on the side, but that probably isn't very practical in their situation.

I am from about 20 miles from their place and have heard several rumors in the last 6 months that they sold all their land or at least some of it. Is there any truth to those? I have met Kandi several times as I coach baseball in Leon where their kid plays ball during the summer and come to some of my clinics but have never really talked hunting with her. Just curious!
I think the kiskies are great people, seem to sure know what they are doing on the hunting end of things
teeroy, its www.kisky.com
Hey Gundog, I don't know if they've sold some or not. I haven't talked with them in quite awhile. I know they'll keep as much as they can, as serious as they are about hunting.
i saw on the "wild outdoors" that next weeks show will be turkey hunting with the kisky's in iowa. keep you eyes open for that one
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