Well-Known Member
This morning I had a great hunt! Everything was perfect, oh wait besides the fact I got out there and set up at 5:45am but besides that I had a gobbler come in at 30 yards and it was a tug of war for 1hr! He'd come in then back out in then back out. I got sick of it! Then here comes 3 hens and 2 other Toms he relaxed and I let an arrow fly at 31 steps from my blind. Feathers went everywhere and he made a weird sound. I watched him fly off, then went to look for my arrow about 30mins later and it wasn't there! I go looking for the turkey and I never found him! What are the chances he's still alive? If I go out this afternoon and look will he still be there? I had a good shot just a little high and to the right but other than that it was a great shot. At least I thought it was. He's a smaller bird 7" beard, 3/4" spurs, maybe 25# if I'm lucky. But he's still the first one I've actually hit good. Is it just because I'm hunting with a bow? I'm using muzzy pythons and 40# draw. I'm just confused on what happened! I have track practice then baseball practice tonight so I won't get home until 7ish which only gives me maybe 1hr of good light to search. I'll bring my bow just in case another Tom comes up but how do I know this won't just happen again?