Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What is the number to beat this year


Active Member
What is the Rollin in the does # from last year that we are going to destroy this year and make a new record. For the website that is. I am planning on filling two archery doe tags this year.
What does everyone else plan on doing?
One or two archery and maybe one shotgun, depends on if I've got two by then. My landowner is a very sweet 70 year old lady who really loves the does and worries about people shooting too many of them. Gotta keep her happy.
as many as i want. until i get sick of cutting them up. when i fill a tag, i will get another tag the next day.
ONe anlerless tag here per year, one either sex that's it people, I can't believe some #'s I see????
I am thinking 10 this year. We have unlimited does, but for my personal management I am planning on 10 or maybe even more.
I with you T-ROY as long as I don't end up with carpal tunnel I will fill up the deep freeze and then got out and buy another one and so on.
Guys...I know we have a lot of deer. But I have seen this shoot all the does mentality before, In about three years you start wondering where all the deer went. I lived in another state as a kid and seen the deer herd take a serious numbers decline after an aggressive deer population decline push was put in place by the DNR. I myself plan on shooting maybe one, and my thought train is, As long as my land has enough food and cover to support the number of deer that's there with room for growth, why take out the breeding stock ? and lower the population. I also factor in that all the does will bring all those bucks when the rut gets here. To you guys planning on shooting 8 or 10 of them it just seems a waste to me.....
I promised my land owner I would shoot as many as I could leagally shoot. In exchange I hope he will not let anyone else hunt there.
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