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What is wrong with this trail cam?!

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Well-Known Member
What the hell? Why is it like this? You can see tracks and the corn has been eaten. Why wouldn't it go off?


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What are your pic settings at? Have you downloaded the software upgrade to the cam yet? I assume this is the D55??
Yes, it's the D-55 and I don't have the software upgraded. I found out the problem. I think it was set to high. But, it still should have got those other deer! I mean one put its head to the cam pretty much.
Well, if you have the 15 sec delay, you already have the upgraded software in the camera.. Those are the settings I use.. When you are back out there go the the IR test menu option and walk around the camera, the red LED will come on when it detects your movement. If it's not coming on, you may have it set too high.

I have two of these cam's and they wake up fast. This last batch of pic's I got a lot of nose pics, then full body, then ass pic's as they walked down the trail on the 3 shot burst.
Is the trail between the cam and that first branch in the ground that leans to the left? If so, ya it looks pretty high.. But, they do take great pic's don't they??
Is the trail between the cam and that first branch in the ground that leans to the left? If so, ya it looks pretty high.. But, they do take great pic's don't they??

Yeah, the trails actualy to the right of that stick and in front of it. Brb I'm goin' to see if it's set up right.
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