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What is your favorite stand located?


New Member
My favorite stand is located on the tip of a long ridge that dumps into a creek bottom and has fields on 2 sides. What about you guys?
On the top of a hill with two funnels running by it. One leading to a pond and thick cover and the other leading directly to an alfalfa field.

the log pile, we had a creek bottom that ran through the middle of 200 acres of crp and theres was a log pile over looking this 50 yards up on a side hill. a little mill felt and the 1100 we were dancing best spot i have ever been too deer funnel through in the morning at first light and in the evening about a half hour before dark. coming and going from the fields to bed.

I'm with Kansasbowhunter, about 25 yards in from a field corner. The one I hunt is great in the morning but stinks in the afternoon. I set up on the eastside so a west wind makes it the perfect spot.

My favorite stand is on private property that borders a State Park here in Southwest Iowa. There is a saddle on top of a hill that has a 100 yard funnel from the Park that leads into an agriculture field. The deer jump the fence from inside the Park onto private property and travel to the end of the funnel to stage prior to going out into the field to feed. My son and step son and I have harvested several really nice bucks from this stand. We have seen several real monsters that we did not for various reasons get a chance at. Mostly due to the 20-30 other deer that have been all around the stand when the big boys finally decide to show themselves. The bigger bucks remain in the park until just prior to the end of legal shooting light. It is in my opinion only a matter of time before one of us gets a chance at one of these truly large racked bucks.
Hey guys,

How about everyone include a link with the arial photo for your hotspot. Also the nearest town and motel info.

I don't know the term for my location as far as funnel, ridge etc.... What I know is that it's 30 feet up in a giant old spruce tree. 30 yards to the east is a river, to the south is thick spruce all along the river, to the north is miles of forest and to the west is a big old alfalfa field. The spruce is on the northeast corner of the field right in the corner where the forest meets the alfalfa and the river. It's about 1 mile off the main road and I can see traffic from my perch all evening. Guess where the deer funnel to? The farthest reaches of the field from the road or right under my tree!!LOL
I would have to admit that my favorite stand location is the one that changes - meaning when I take my climber to someplace new or to where the "hot spot" is going to be. My most productive stand is "lucky" in a finger of timber about 100 yards wide connecting two other larger timbers. Have taken 3 bucks with bow and 1 with gun from it so far.
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