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what kind of grass?


New Member
i have found on a few backroads around here in the ditch some awesome tall grass, it has big white tops and is pretty tall. i am looking to find out what its called so i can get some seed for a spot on my property. i will try to get a pic so you guys know what im talking about. thanks
Duuuuuude, it's called Iowanna man. AKA ditchweed, headacheweed and freeweed.

Actually it is prolly a pampas grass.

Now where did I put that bag of Funyuns?
ha ha dont be taking any of my ditchweed man... Ya probably pompas grass, grows pretty crazy...
ok, cool. now where can i buy seed? so i can seed down an area i have cleared out all the brush. (its below my house close to a creek) or am i going to be better off just getting some switchgrass seed? thanks
Don't mess with that stuff. Nasty & invasive. Stick with switchgrass or Indian, Big Blue, etc.
ok, cool. now where can i buy seed? so i can seed down an area i have cleared out all the brush. (its below my house close to a creek) or am i going to be better off just getting some switchgrass seed? thanks

Do you really want to seed an invasive on your property? There are native "alternatives" that will do jus as well and not spread all over your farm and your neighbors. :way:

As Skip said, switch, big blue, indian and prairie cord grass are great choices.
Please, Please, Please listen to Skip (Sligh) and Letemgrow. GO NATIVE!! While people introducing and spreading non-natives is part of what keeps me employed and keeps me busy during wildfire season, I'd much rather see native plants put back within their native range. They are better for you, better for the wildlife, and better for the ecosystem.
What i have heard is that you can just go dig it up from the ditches and transplant it.I know a guy that went and put a bag over the heads and shook the seeds off also,but it didnt grow for him that way.
well i am not worried about it spreading cause i live in town(on the edge) and it is just a patch of weeds and brush i cleared thinking i would seed broame, then saw that neat grass in the ditch so thought that would look neat. but i also would like to do the best thing. so i think i am just going to probably seed it to switchgrass. but i am open to suggestions. thanks
If you're planting for a landscape, just go to any good garden center and pick up some ornamental grasses. Or you can usually find a good retailer online and get a bunch of stolons for a lot cheaper. They'll spread, but they won't reseed.

I drove by a house in Ottumwa a few days ago that had a huge patch of Phragmites in their yard. It had obviously been planted there and is now completely out of control. Also looked like a little patch was starting in the neighbors yard too.

Try looking for Feather Read Grass, Fountain Grass, or Cordgrass. Maidengrass looks very similar to the stuff you're referring to and will grow just fine in the Loess Hills (Zone 5). Switchgrass and Big Bluestem is planted in urban landscapes all the time and look great.
yes, you can go to the ditch and dig it up. However like everyone else has said, it does spread fast. They have one of the insane root systems i have seen. Therefore, once they get established they are hard to kill off.
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