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What should I do?

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Well-Known Member
Well, my 2 acre food plot is split between beans and corn. The corn is doing just fine but the beans aren't. I don't think there will be very many plants. Judging by this what should I do? I also have a shooting lane and was curious since its most grass what I should change it to? How can I till this area up?


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Tough year for beans in many areas...not just foodplots either. We have an area in one plot that the beans just aren't going to make much, and our plan is to seed it to some combination of brassicas and rye grass in early August. Good luck TH :way:

You have a ton of options. If it were me, I'd wait until the first week of September and till up the bean plot then put down some winter rye and radish seed. An acre of rye and radishes next to an acre corn would be dynamite.
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