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what time do you hunt.?......survey.



I thought since we have survey on what time of day birds were harvested that another good question would be what time of day do you hunt turkeys the most? Sunrise to 10:00am, 10am -2pm, 2pm-sunset. Maybe OneCam can set up something easier for us.thanks
If im hunting them its an all day long ordeal, the only time not to be out there is when its pitch dark out
If I can hunt all day we'll do it. Often work only allows for a early hunt. I do think morning is the funnest time to be out. I love the Toms gobbling their heads off all around you.
I've become very spoiled with my bow license this year. I've gotten to where I go out and get set by 5:15 and am usually up and out of the field by 8:00. I love the action right off the bat. I've sat it out a few times and waited for the henned up tom's to come back out late in the morning...but usually I'll go back and sit from 5:00 to dark and try and catch them going back to the roost.
If I had a fast approaching deadline I'd hunt longer hours. As it is, I'm loving the opporunity to start and end my weekend days with some gobbling and have my errands done in the middle.
I usually get up around 3:45-4am, drive to my area and hike to my setup area by 5am. I love sitting in the woods when absolutely nothing is awake yet. I also feel more confident that I will not bust a turkey out of the tree when I get there earlier. If I have a free day, I will hunt til noon, get a bite to eat and then go set out in the woods the whole rest of the day. You can't kill them if you aren't out there! This year my seasons have been very short....2nd season lasted til about 9:30am on opening day and 4th season lasted til 6:15am on Saturday (my first hunt of 4th season). I have sat in the woods nearly all day on different occasions.......reminds me of the time I spent 12 hours in a treestand during early muzzleloader deer!!
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