Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What time is it...


PMA Member
It's "live from the stand time!!!!"

Deer crawling all over place...for real. Could barely get in the stand we are in a. couldn't get to the one we really wanted...the one with the 140" 8 point in front of it now...also for real.

Does and fans in range now. Real nice walking right at us now. Could be making a fatal mistake. Turks around us too. Wild night so far and we have only been here 15 minutes.
Had a nice buck work past us. Nice three year old. Let him go...this year. :D. Took some shaky video. No time to mount cam arm yet.

Still a doe and fawn 25 yards away on our right. Game definitely on the move tonight though.
Two new little bucks on the scene. Little spiker eating brassicas like he is getting them for free down there!!

We are overlooking a beautiful brassica field on our right. With THICK cover on our left. An area that I hingecut two years ago. Good area for us but not even our best area.

Plenty of time here yet this evening. We will see what shows...
Nice doe walked by a eight yards...she never knew we were here but we let her walk. Possible wile e coyote sighting. Saw something small run by about 80 yards away. Next thing you know deer go poof. ..gone. only lucky doe and her fawn in sight right now.
Little buck back on field now. Apparently his little tummy is not yet full of free radishes! :D wind is gusty. Not steady. Hopefully it is cool enough that the mosquito flocks do not show up.
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Nice buck out now. Mid 140's. Maybe a bit better than that. Ten pointer.

Was worrying some does but he is now stuffing his face with brassicas too. More deer in fields than I anticipated. Another doe coming towards us now. Doe is now working licking branch that nicer buck worked an hour ago. I am happy to say it is a tree I left on the field edge for just that purpose.

Correction the "doe" is really a spiker. We'll see if bigger buck also works the licking branch.
Wow!! A buck parade just walked out of the timber! 2 dinks a medium and a big one. But they are all down by stand we wanted to be in!! Harumph
All deer now off the field again. Suspect Mr. Coyote is out there somewhere. Or a bobcat I suppose. Super night out though. Especially for this early. Very happy to see numbers and quality even if most were out of range.

Probably last post. Getting dark and losing battery. Will be in keosauqua for a caesar salad and a steak in about an hour. Life is good!! Good luck to all hunting this weekend
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