First shotgun season I am standing by my gate when a hunter comes walking up my road with his light on. I wait until he gets close and ask what the hell he is doing? He is in a panic wearing no orange and tells me the neighborhood outfitter dropped him off on the property to the west of me and told him not to wear orange. He knew he was in the wrong place and who I was I gave him an ass chewing and called the outfitter. The outfitter put it all on his hunter and said he had permission to the east and thats where he should have been. I later called that land owner and he did not know that outfitter or give anyone any permission. I ended up leasing the property and was asked to post it and keep people off. Second season got a call that the outfitter was on the property to the east shooting with 10 paid hunters. I called him he says they shot a deer 2 miles away and saw it run onto property, and fired 0 shots. I called that land owner told him what happened and he said the outfitter had leased some land from him and not paid in 2 years but still runs hunters on it. I ended up leasing it as well just to post and keep this guys hunters off it. Outfitters and paid hunters will turn Iowa into illinois in my opinion especially crooked ones! Wondering what you guys would have done?