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What to expect/Expierence?


Land of the Whitetail
I mainly just hunt public land along the Des Moines River. I have a couple small private areas. My main concern is that all the public land along the river was all completely under water until about three weeks ago. I went out to hang some stands this weekend and I am not to sure what to expect this season. There really is no forest floor in regards to vegetation and stuff in the woods, and obviously all the agriculutral fields are just bare. The deer are starting to come back in, I found a few tracks and some trails starting to come to life. But with there being not to much food sources and such what should I expect this fall come November? I always try and hang my stands way back on the public, this afternoon I walked over a mile from the access road, rarely do other hunters venture that far. I feel like come the rut and later on in the season there will be deer in there but I have never had expierence with a situation like this. Does anyone know what to expect or have any advice?
I know what your describing, I use to hunt that river just like you did. On years it flooded like this it made things pretty tough. I would not waste your time deep in the bottoms until later in the season. I would try to find pieces that connect up to some hardwoods timber. My experience was that the deer just didnt head in as close to the river on years when it flooded. I would just keep checking the bottoms until the tracks show back up, eventually they will head back down.
They will be down there during the rut. It's kind of a love / hate thing. When the river floods and all the lower vegetation is gone it is great for sneaking into the bottom without making too much noice but on the other hand there isn't the cover like there normally is. It does make the shooting a little better when you don't have endless hore weeds over your head. Sooner or later pressure from up on the ridges will push them down into the bottoms. Good luck!!
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