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what to line a pond with?


PMA Member
I've been thinking about a great spot in the woods to build a very small pond, maybe 5'x5'. Just something to hold a bit of water for those cruising bucks during the fall. I know this spot gets plenty of water shed but wondered what a guy could line a small pond like this with? Big sheet of plastic? Got an old picktruck box liner laying around we could use?

What have you guys used to create small "puddles" basically?
We also thought that using a plastic liner in such a small shallow pond will be likely to be punctured by deer hooves when they stepped on the pond?
Bentonite clay is sometimes used to line ponds that might be prone to seepage. It probably wouldn't be my first choice for lining a pond, but if you were making a small watering hole, you might get buy using it. It might be pricey compared to other options, though. Well drillers use it to plug old wells, so you could contact the local well driller in your area for pricing info.

Another idea might be to ask a local roofing company if they have (used?) rolled rubber that is sometimes used on flat roofs.
Ive wondered myself about trying a small molded pond you can by for yards. But wasnt sure if it would hold up or be big enough to even bother
Thanks guys, I read that post on QDMA and it was one of the first ideas we came up with as well. You guys think the pond should filter/leech somewhat or would having a plastic bottom and it being completely sealed be a good idea?

Wodnering if old standing water would get "bad" or full of bacteria?

Also thought about checking into those molded small ponds, then remembered we have an old pickup box liner to look at as another option.
yea that was what i was gonna bring up. with a plastic liner of any sort it will hold everything and wont filter. bacteria yes and also any critter in the woods may use it as a restroom/bath. so bacteria and disease would be an issue IMO if it had a plastic liner
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