Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What will this pig score?



Have some great pictures, how do you post a picture. On other sites you don't need your own web site to store pictures. Whats up with that? Would love to get you guys thoughts on this buck. Help?
You can just upload them onto this site under the upload photo on the options bar above, then just put it in your post from that link.
You did everything right on your photo except you took the properties of the thumbnail instead of the actual picture. Great buck!

Awesome Picture. I agree with the other two guys ---> 180. He's got mass, length, and width. He's a real trophy.
thanks for your help in getting the pics correct. My heart can stop racing. I haven't hunted yet this year. Trying to hold off to please the wife. I get to go tommorow morning. I will check the camera again. I hunt from the tree 15 yards behind him. Please God let me shoot that buck. LOL
Sometimes I am happy that I don't have a pic of a hog like that in my hunting spot. The anticipation and pressure would be about killing me right now.
looks like you might have another decnet buck walking into the pic on the right side of the picture, kinda looks like a rack.In the first pic it looks like the big deer could be squaring off for a little sparring match with the other because in the second pic the buck on the right has his head down and the one in the pic has his down looking right at the other.
That's a pig alright. I think there are 3 bucks in the first pic, one on the left, the pig, and that tip of a rack on the right that is more visible in the 2nd pic. Most impressive is it looks like they are all out and about in the early afternoon!
Good luck with that oinker...
Good eye TimberPig. I think he is right on the money. What a pig that guy is. As for size I think I am a bad judge of size.
I was wondering if the second pic is the same buck as the first pic. If you blow up the second pic it looks like there is no tines on his left side.
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