Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What would this buck score?

I am trying to decide if I should put a hole in this buck...I am really on the fence about shooting him, he looks fairly old or am I wrong about that? Also, what do you think he would score? I am the worsed at guessing how many inches of bone a deer has.


I can't see the pic but what I go by is....if I can't decide if to shoot or not...I should probably let it walk.I have also heard the old saying "don't pass on anything the first day that you would be happy with the last day" Good luck to you on your decision
If Nanny posted the right pic, it's not gonna net very well, but many claim nets are for fishin'

Only you can decide what will make you happy.
Any guess on gross score?

Thanks Nanny for putting that up...as you can tell I am new on this place and I don't know nothin about putting up pictures and stuff.
That is a decent buck. If it would be the biggest buck I ever shot I would shoot it in a heartbeat.If I had a wall full of 150s or better I would let him live a couple more years.He will make P&Y for sure.
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