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What would you do if you had 6 months off?


I work in the construction field and i have had some time off. The last 6 months to be exact due to extreme lay offs. I had a few side jobs so that helped but, I live in a townhome so during those crazy cold winter months there really isn't much going on. I hunted when i could afford it, which helped keep me sain, and fished this spring. Even though i had so much time off i enjoyed it, because i spent so much needed time with my wife and kids which was awesome. So i did what i could with my last 6 months of "vacation." What would you have done if you had the last 6 months off? Basically Dec. thru May. Oh yeah and alot of shed hunting because its cheap and fun.
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I've been off almost 3 mo's and finally got word I'm heading back next month! Just like your said it's really nice to have time to spend with family but keeping busy is tough. Relaxing get's way overrated and The prices right, Maury, Springer and even the outdoor channel get really old! Thank god for Cubs day games shed hunting and the few side jobs I got. Glad to hear you are heading back!
I would lose my mind if I had 6 months off, especially this time of year, I would also go broke if I had 6 months off during deer season :) Glad its turning around for you guys.
If I had the last 6 months off...and didn't have to worry about money I'd havekept it pretty simple. Shed hunted more, ice fished more, spent more time with my kids, spent more time with thier grandparents,done a few more of the unfinished jobs around home.
I might have gotten a deer and a turkey if i had the last 6 months off.
If I had that time off, I sure would hope it would be during hunting season. If it was NOT, I'd be looking for other work like a mad-man. Good luck with all working out and it always does in the long-run.
I'd bust my tail trying to find another job. If I had enough saved up, in the fall I would bowhunt, and in the spring and summer I would golf. I'd scratch off gun deer season and turkey season.
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