Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what would you do..


Well-Known Member
Well, I received word that I had my top two targets bucks got shot. Last camera check had one walking around with a hole above his spine, and they other one has been MIA for 2 weeks... So assuming they both are actually dead, what would you guys do.. Keep hunting the same woods in hopes they are not... or potentially hunt other places (I do have lots of options) I was out this morning until noon, and saw one little fawn was all...leaves me wondering is all
So these are not confirmed kills (photos, trustworthy source)? I have a spot where I'm hoping a target buck is still around. No pics of him this year, and no sightings 2012 and 2013 were the same way with no sightings or pics before Halloween. I've actually only personally seen him in the past from Halloween to the first few days of November. Haven't heard of anyone getting him, but then again, I don't really hear what the neighbors get unless it is big and that is mostly hearsay as we don't typically show off to each other. So, I'll go hunt this area hoping to see him, but knowing that there usually are other good deer there as well. I will try to hunt other areas too, at least until I lay eyes on him or a trail cam pic again!
I've been seeing the same deer on two properties, so I'm going to switch to another hoping different bucks will filter through on the boring properties when the rut is further along.
Depends on if you have any other quality candidates for an arrow on that property. If not then I would try a few sits at another location. On the other hand who knows what deer could fill in the role of the two shooters that you had.
Cry. No seriously depends on what else you have going. Maybe hang cams for a few days. Check them and see if they show. It is November so chances are new bucks will show to.
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