Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what's on this doe?

I get pictures of deer like that all the time. I finally started looking up what it is, I'll see if I can find the article on it tonight. I'm pretty sure I have it saved on my home computer.
I don't have any pics, but I have seen it a couple of times through the years, right in that same spot.
I believe it's a type of sist. I had a buck earlier this year during February and March that had one behind his left front leg. It kept getting bigger and bigger, about the size of a large watermelon. It eventually popped, had goo running down his leg but he is fine now.
Its just a cist is all, from getting something lodged under the skin. Like a thorn or a piece of stick. It will fill with puss and either eventually pop, sometimes it will just go away as the body fights the foreign object, or in really bad cases it can get so big it will lead to the decline and eventually death of the animal. We see this often in our sows and you just have to lance it and it will go away. Same concept as if you were to get a sliver in your finger and not get it out it will swell up and such.
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