Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What's the deal


Active Member
Last week i went to southern iowa to do some bowhunting. I had a deal that doesn't make much sence to me. I used a decoy one of the days because there was a decent 130-135inch 8 point that i was going to try and take if he came close. So the on night i used this decoy and sure enough he cam through the field like he did the night before and got about half way through the field and took off running into the timber where he went into the night before.
Not sure why he ran away. i had 2 smaller bucks come right to it and do there little dance that they do. The only thing that i can come up with is that he is not rutting yet.
let me know what everyone else thinks.
maybe he heard or smelled something (hot doe or bucks fighting) at the most inopportune time and took off??
I think the big boys have just put on the after burners just in the last 3or4 days,doublelung.Hope you enjoyed the show down here!
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